Harto on Twitter: “The collab with @harrisonfirst dropping now!🥳🚀🔥 ( sound on for full experience 🔊)Thank you Harrison for this awesome sound!on @signArtApp OPEN OFFERS 💜 ⬇️https://t.co/HzHScGlYho#nft #nftcollab #collab #btc #ape #NFTs pic.twitter.com/EGFOepeghW / Twitter”
The collab with @harrisonfirst dropping now!🥳🚀🔥 ( sound on for full experience 🔊)Thank you Harrison for this awesome sound!on @signArtApp OPEN OFFERS 💜 ⬇️https://t.co/HzHScGlYho#nft #nftcollab #collab #btc #ape #NFTs pic.twitter.com/EGFOepeghW
The project intend to create an evolutionary narrative with 3D characters that will be transformed into an animated short film. Harrison $First character is part of APE-X21, a collaboration between 21 artists from the blockchain that brings new ideas to the plot, each artist interprets the character and puts their unique style.
The APE number 100 will compile all the ideas worked during the project.
Artist bio:
Artist, Music Producer, And Songwriter, Harrison First Primarily Based In Stockholm Sweden And New York Has Cultivated A Sound Personal To Him. Starting Out By Building A Sound For Other Artist Harrison Decided To Build A Sound For Himself And Invite Other Artist To Be Apart Of The Experience. Evolving Greatly In The Past Couple Of Years, Harrison Has Branched Off Into Multiple Genres Of Music During His Exploration In Different Places In The World.
Website : https://www.jnryfirst.com/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/harrisonfirst
[50% of the sale for each artist.]